Care Hires White papers

Staffing ratios in adult social care report

The Goldilocks Theory: Staffing Ratios across adult social care

Getting it 'just right'

Staffing. It’s the ever-present worry for care providers, and it’s hard to determine who you need and when.

At Care Hires we’ve started referring to staffing ratios in adult social care as the “Goldilocks theory” – needing the right amount of staff, with the right skills, at the right time.

But with so many variables to consider along with some questionable dependency tools and advice out there, how are you supposed to work out the right amount of staff for your service?

How to Create A Digitally Savvy Care Staff?

Digital Skills Framework and What Your Care Teams Need to Know

In an era of rapid technological advancements, the social care sector finds itself at a crucial juncture where embracing digital innovation is not just an option but a necessity. The term ‘digital’ has gone beyond mere gadgetry; it now encapsulates a profound transformation in the delivery of care services. But what does it really mean? And how can it empower the dedicated workforce in the Social Care sector? The creative is attached to the email.

Silent Victims No More:

Exploring the Importance of the Modern Slavery Act in Social Care

Modern slavery, a harrowing and pervasive issue on a global scale, is characterised by coercion, force, deception, or fraud used to exploit individuals. This modern-day scourge impacts nearly 50 million people worldwide, with the United Kingdom alone estimating over 100,000 victims. In response to this grave challenge, the UK introduced the Modern Slavery Act in 2015, consolidating historical trafficking and slavery offences to combat this exploitation within its borders.

The Staffing Crisis in Care Homes:

Why Finding and Retaining Qualified Staff is Becoming Increasingly Difficult in the UK

The shortage of qualified and experienced care workers is a predominant issue that the UK care industry is currently facing. In particular, the rising demand for competent staff to provide consistent care for growing numbers of care residents has brought attention to the necessity of reliable long-term solutions.

Employee recognition programs are no longer a 'nice-to-have' - they are a must.

Our survey of 500 UK Social Care employees highlights both the pivotal role of recognition in improving retention rates and the urgent need to address a perceived lack of appreciation in the sector.

Why are health and social care workers leaving... and where are they going?

1 in every 10 social care workers could leave the sector this year. This represents an opportunity for care organisations to rethink how they support, engage and motivate their staff.

Employee recognition programs are no longer a 'nice-to-have' - they are a must.

Our survey of 500 UK Social Care employees highlights both the pivotal role of recognition in improving retention rates and the urgent need to address a perceived lack of appreciation in the sector.

Why are health and social care workers leaving... and where are they going?

1 in every 10 social care workers could leave the sector this year. This represents an opportunity for care organisations to rethink how they support, engage and motivate their staff.

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