
Professionalise your organisations
training & compliance

Without breaking the bank

A care-centric learning management system designed to engage, train and inspire your employees through their career in Care.

First-Class Training Provided To

Asset 13@3x
Asset 14@3x

And many more...

A Care-Centric Training Experience Like No Other

Unlimited Care Specific Courses for ONE price

Employees can complete all mandatory qualification and desirable certificates required
in Care, all for one price per year. Develop your employees careers at no extra cost.

Care Certificate

Medication Awareness

Fire Safety

Moving and Handling

Safeguarding of vulnerable Adults

Safeguarding of vulnerable Children

The Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards

Learning Disability Awareness


All learner certificates are free

Never pay a separate fee to download or export your learners certificates. All certificates accompany a learner in their pass records, watermarked and accredited.

Interactive and Engaging Learning Paths

First-Class Training designed by education engagement specialists

Our content is Care Provider endorsed and industry-recognised.

Simplified training experience to keep learners engaged and focused on their courses all the way to completion

Text to speech

Dyslexia Support Settings

Device Optimisation


CPD Accredited with a MY CPD Dashboard to Motivate Learners

Every course is accredited by CPD Certification Service.

Track CPD points earned by each learner, creating an inspiring and engaging learning journey.

Automated Compliance & Advanced Learning Matrix

Stay compliant with our integrated compliance matrix

Automatically enrols staff to mandatory courses they need

All visible through an easy-to-monitor dashboard

Track learner progress and their assessment scores

Start today from less than


per week

Care-Centric Learning

Learning Management Portal

Unlimited Care Courses

Free Certificates

Leading Learning Paths

Text to Speech

CPD Accredited


MY CPD Tracker

Reporting Dashboards

Automated Compliance Matrix

Device Optimised

Worker Engagement Portal

Automated Learner Management

Ready to take the next step?

Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.