Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy

1. Introduction

At Care Hires, we are committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our business operations. We recognise the severity of modern slavery and human trafficking as global issues and are dedicated to preventing these practices within our operations and supply chains. This policy outlines our commitment and the steps we take to address modern slavery and human trafficking.

2. Policy Statement

We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business or supply chains. We take a zero-tolerance approach to these practices and work diligently to prevent their occurrence. We will continually review and improve our practices to identify and address any potential risks related to modern slavery and human trafficking.

3. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, and business partners associated with Care Hires. It covers all company activities, including those taking place within our facilities, offices, and supply chains.

4. Responsibilities

Board of Directors: The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring the implementation and effectiveness of this policy. They will receive regular reports on anti-slavery measures and ensure necessary resources are allocated.

Management: Managers at all levels are responsible for promoting awareness of this policy and ensuring compliance within their teams and areas of responsibility.

Employees: All employees are expected to familiarise themselves with this policy and adhere to its principles. If they suspect or witness any form of modern slavery, they should promptly report it to their supervisors or designated whistleblowing channels.

5. Risk Assessment

We conduct regular risk assessments across our operations and supply chains to identify and evaluate potential modern slavery and human trafficking risks. This assessment covers factors such as geographical location, employee conditions, and supplier relationships.

6. Supplier Due Diligence

We have implemented a robust supplier due diligence process that evaluates potential suppliers for their commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking. Our supplier onboarding process includes assessments of their policies, practices, and labour standards.

7. Training and Awareness

We provide training to our employees and contractors to ensure they understand the risks associated with modern slavery and human trafficking and can recognise the signs of these practices. This training includes guidance on reporting any suspicions they may have.

8. Reporting Mechanisms

We encourage all employees and stakeholders to report any suspicions or incidents related to modern slavery and human trafficking. Reports can be made confidentially through our designated whistleblowing channels.

9. Corrective Action

If any instances of modern slavery or human trafficking are identified, we will take immediate and appropriate action to address the situation. This may include reporting to law enforcement agencies, discontinuing relationships with involved parties, and implementing preventive measures.

10. Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuous improvement in our efforts to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking. We will periodically review and update this policy to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with the latest best practices.

11. Communication

This policy is available to all employees, contractors, suppliers, and business partners through our company website. It will be communicated to all stakeholders and is readily accessible to the public.

By implementing this Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Policy, we reaffirm our commitment to ethical business practices and the protection of human rights.

Updated Date: 10.08.2023

Signed: Ashley Haveloch-Jones, Chief Operating Officer
Care Hires Ltd