Agency workforce management that gives you control

Get greater control and visibility of your temporary staffing with our vendor neutral and cost-effective agency workforce management solutions.

Female healthcare professional using Care Hires vendor neutral agency management software at a laptop with UI/UX interfaces overlayed

Temporary Staffing Service

Your Hassle-Free Staffing Solution

Care Hires empowers Care Providers with visibility and control through person-centred workforce management technology, that makes managing your staffing needs simpler and more cost-effective.

£ 0 +
Saved in agency spend
0 %
All shifts filled
£ 0 +
Saved per care home
0 +
Of hours fullfiled

Providing Vendor Neutral Agency Management Nationwide

£ 0 +
Saved in agency spend
0 %
All shifts filled
£ 0 +
Saved per care home
0 +
Of hours fullfiled
0 +
Of hours fullfiled
£ 0 +
Saved in agency spend
0 %
All shifts filled
£ 0 +
Saved per care home

Temporary recruitment,
built for Care

Trusted by over 400 service providers

Temporary recruitment,
built for Care

Trusted by over 400 service providers

Filling your Vacancies
Recruitment and retention is an ongoing challenge. With
165,000 vacancies in Adult Social Care, many Care Providers
are facing severe staffing shortages. Through Care Hires, 94%
of all shifts around the UK have been fulfilled by high-quality
and determined staff.
UI/UX interface of Care Hires vendor neutral agency management solutions demonstrating how to fill vacancies
Continuity, Quality, Compliance
Be confident in knowing each staff member going into your
care service has been checked to the highest CQC standards,
including background checks, criminal history, experience,
training and qualifications, verbal/written communication
requirements among others.

100% of jobs match your exact criteria, or, they don’t attend
the shift.
Saving You Money
100% of all commercial agreements have been cost-neutral or
a cost-save across our history, with hundreds of Care
Providers. We’ve saved our customers more than £1,300,000,
and on average reduced their spending by 12.5%.
Giving you Visibility and Control
94% of people stated staffing shortages or rising costs as their
main concern.

Not knowing what your agency spend is, how much agency
you rely on monthly and what processes are being followed, is
a risky position to be in.

Care Hires centralises agencies, staff, spending and processes
into one platform – giving Care Providers peace of mind and
certainty on their operation.
Filling your Vacancies
Recruitment and retention is an ongoing challenge. With
165,000 vacancies in Adult Social Care, many Care Providers
are facing severe staffing shortages. Through Care Hires, 94%
of all shifts around the UK have been fulfilled by high-quality
and determined staff.
Continuity, Quality, Compliance
Be confident in knowing each staff member going into your
care service has been checked to the highest CQC standards,
including background checks, criminal history, experience,
training and qualifications, verbal/written communication
requirements among others.

100% of jobs match your exact criteria, or, they don’t attend
the shift.
Saving You Money
100% of all commercial agreements have been cost-neutral or
a cost-save across our history, with hundreds of Care
Providers. We’ve saved our customers more than £1,300,000,
and on average reduced their spending by 12.5%.
Giving you Visibility and Control
94% of people stated staffing shortages or rising costs as their
main concern.

Not knowing what your agency spend is, how much agency
you rely on monthly and what processes are being followed, is
a risky position to be in.

Care Hires centralises agencies, staff, spending and processes
into one platform – giving Care Providers peace of mind and
certainty on their operation.
UI/UX interface of Care Hires vendor neutral agency management solutions demonstrating how to fill vacancies

Innovation through staffing solutions technology

Completion of Jobs
Cost Savings

We give Care Providers visibility and control of their temporary
agency spend, and fulfil any vacancies at a cost you control

Completion of Jobs

100% shift fulfilment

The Care Hires system is designed specifically so your care
service is not dependent on a single agency by providing
agencies to meet 135% fulfilment on an ongoing basis

Cost Savings

Significant Cost and Time Savings

Through our network of Agencies,
We save the average care provider 20.22% in staff expenditure


Care Personnel that 100% adhere to
their shift's training requirements

Care Hires offers a pre-screened pool of workers with a
transparent picture of their training and qualifications,
cutting down on the time needed to interact with agencies
for staffing decisions.


Visibility and control over agency spend

Real-time spending reports broken down by agency and/or
service are provided via the Care Hires system. Control & cut
expenditures, checking on the agency Integrated billing


Quality is key

Receive smart-matched supply based on your requirements,
completely tailored to your care setting needs

Discover How We Can
Transform Your Care Organisation

Not a care provider? If you're a temp agency please book the demo here instead.

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Business Hours: 9am - 5pm on weekdays

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Email us and we’ll make time for you:

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Customer Stories

Join over 400 services managing their rotas through Care Hires

Supply Chain Management

iBC Healthcare



Reduction on
Agency Spend


“Care Hires really made things easier for us to deliver high-quality care

Supply Chain Management

ivolve Care & Support



Reduction on
Agency Spend


"Care Hires’ integrated solution has eliminated manual processes and helped us to meet all relevant regulatory requirements"

Supply Chain Management

Sun Healthcare



Reduction on
Agency Spend


"We have access to a far greater quantity of scale of agencies and it's all built into the system.”