A staffing storm is brewing & the social care sector is up sh*ft creek without a paddle

Staffing social care is hard and it's about to get a whole lot harder.

It’s the never-ending struggle for care providers, and lately, it feels like we’re all up sh*ft creek without a paddle.

With visa applications from overseas care workers taking a nosedive and a shrinking workforce, keeping services fully staffed is going to be more challenging than ever.

As the gap between supply and demand continues to widen, how do you stay afloat? This report dives into the murky waters of the staffing future in adult social care and uncovers the harsh reality that agency usage could actually steer you toward safer shores.

Are calmer seas on the horizon for social care staffing?

About This Social Care Staffing Demand Report

  • How new immigration rules are influencing the future of social care staffing
  • Research from our client base and industry-wide survey combined with Skills for Care, The Kings Fund and Community Care reporting
  • Actionable insights to improve recruitment and retention in adult social care